Miriam Weiser
17 min readMar 2, 2021

ANNIE, by Miriam Weiser

Photo by Jon Tyson on Unsplash

I was a homeless girl, barely fifteen years old. I had been roaming the streets for who-knows-how long, eating out of better people’s garbage and sleeping wherever I could find space for my 5'1" body. I didn’t know for sure that I was 5'1", but according to the chart in front of the mall, the one with the Loony Toons character hovering over it, I was. I just about reached the height of the chart. That was how I determined my height. As for my age, I guessed…

Miriam Weiser

I am a full time Wife and Mom. I am a part time writer. Published three books to date and would love to write Your story.